BmSS National Qualifications Programme
Benchmark is all set to add another feather to its cap by introducing the Matriculation and Intermediate scheme of studies. Upholding the tradition of dedication to education, the first 50 students to enroll in these programs will be exempted from admission, registration and security fee. Another incentive will be a 10% waiver on the monthly tuition fee for as long as the child studies at Benchmark. Such a facility coupled with excellent faculty is a golden opportunity, not to be missed!
BmSS is offering Matric & Intermediate Qualification and is affiliated with prestigious Federal Board Islamabad with classes starting from pre 9th and class 9th in 2022.
- In Pre 9th, students have a choice between Social Sciences, Medical Sciences and Computer Sciences in addition to the compulsory subjects. This makes a total of 8 subjects in every case. Having studied Computers as a compulsory subject at the previous level, students are in a good position to make a well-informed choice between the two divisions of the Computer Science and Pre-Medical
- Children with an inclination towards the wide variety of medicine related fields in their future are suggested to take up the Biology group. However, kids with interests beyond the medical are advised to opt for the Computers Group.
- O-Level
Compulsory Subjects | Medical Sciences | Computer Sciences | Social Sciences |
English Urdu Maths Islamiat History Geography | Physics Chemistry Biology | Physics Chemistry Computers | Accounting Economics Business Studies |
- Matriculation
Compulsory Subjects | Medical Sciences | Computer Sciences |
English Urdu Maths Islamiat Pakistan Studies Physics Chemistry | Biology | Computers |
- In case a student wants to shift over to the more commonly selected local stream of education, that is matriculation, he/she may select the relevant choice from the drop down menu. It is, however, important to realise that at this stage, the child has missed out of the class Pre9th, which means the child will have to put in extra effort to catch-up with the scheme of studies here. They will be sitting for the Federal Board Examination of 9th at the end of this academic session.
Compulsory Subjects | Medical Sciences | Computer Sciences |
English Urdu Maths Islamiat Pakistan Studies Physics Chemistry | Biology | Computers |
Optional Subject
Benchmark endeavours to expose learners to a range of educational options. Consequently, an optional subject of Add Maths is also being offered to interested learners. Optional subjects may require some extra time from the students. For this, please submit an application after the student has attended some orientation classes, so that he/she is able to make a well-informed decision.
- F.Sc Pre Medical
F.Sc Pre-Medical is first step of the amazing journey of a medical career. Future Doctors are made through F.Sc Pre-Medical. We have state of the art labs, modern facilities and highly experienced teachers to set this foundation.
- FSc Pre Engineering
F.Sc Pre-Engineering is a pre-requisite for future Engineers and Technocrats. Our comprehensive study plan is executed by the most experienced teachers who ensure our students’ great educational success.
Students are taught the basic education of Computer Science and Software Development in ICS. This degree provides strong ground for graduating in CS and IT. It trains our students in essential knowledge and expertise in Computers which is a pre-requisite for successful professional life in the present technology oriented era