• BmSS SOP For Communication Via Texting Messages
We at Benchmark School System believe that communication plays a vital role in administrating an efficient schooling system. Effective communication is highly essential for building school-parent partnerships. It constitutes the foundation for all other forms of family involvement in education. There are different ways via which we communicate with parents; some of which include making telephone calls and sending text messages on their provided numbers and parent teacher meetings which are held on termly bases.
We believe using mobile technology is an excellent way to make the relationship between parents and school administration more meaningful and effective. Mobile technology links schools and parents in a much more instant and timely manner, and this increased involvement is beneficial to the student’s learning experience. Students, school administrators, and parents all benefit greatly from the impact of mobile technology.
It is an excellent way to make sure parents are constantly updated with important information like student enrolment times, reminders for holidays and school closures, tests records and attendance. Even changes to important school policies can all be sent via mobile technology. Not only will parents be more aware of school activities, but adopting mobile technology means that parents can receive updates regarding their child’s academic status. A timely text or email notification regarding a student’s failing grades, for example, would be a powerful tool for schools to use to enhance parental oversight of their children’s activities. A system where parents receive an automated text message if their child fails to turn in an assignment or receives a failing grade on an exam would spur parental involvement and make parents more aware of the struggles their child faces on a daily basis. We know that mobile school notifications and updates can increase the daily involvement of parents with the school and allow for direct communication between schools and parents.
“This positive relationship makes a child feel like the important people in his life are working together.”
BUT communicating well is a key factor for making this relationship work.
• BmSS SOP For Communication Via Phone Calls
We at Benchmark School System believe that communication plays a vital role in administrating an efficient schooling system. Effective communication is highly essential for building school-parent partnerships. It constitutes the foundation for all other forms of family involvement in education. There are different ways via which we communicate with parents; some of which include making telephone calls and sending text messages on their provided numbers and parent teacher meetings which are held on termly bases.
Making phone calls to parents is very important and should be done on regular basis. Some of the scenarios where calls need to be made include:
- Morning late comers should be called daily.
- Discipline issues should be reported on that day.
- In case of emergency, phone calls should be made by front reception as soon as possible.
- Only concerned departments and authorized persons should be allowed to make calls.
- Absentees should be called on every Thursday and Friday. The department should themselves contact the Teachers /TAs for lists of chronic absentees.