All students seeking admission in BmSS have to pay BmSS fee. Tuition fee charges apply for a full academic session beginning 1st August to 31st July in the following year. Fees are subject to annual revision and are due in full at the start of Session in August.
The payment of fees is the responsibility of the student and, in the event of a student’s sponsoring authority (if any) failing to make payment, the student will be held personally liable for payment and will be struck off from School in case of non-payment.
This policy specifies the principles for setting, calculating, charging and refunding student fees.
This policy governs, how Benchmark School System will apply and calculate tuition fees for all the students. The school reserves the right to amend this policy from time to time, in the light of prevailing circumstances (including legislative and regulatory changes).
This policy forms a part of the school’s terms and conditions and should be read in conjunction with the parents/guardian undertaking. All the rules and regulations laid down in this policy, regarding the tuition fee, which has to be paid in PKR, must be adhered to very strictly.
The policy comprises of the following points
- Registration and Admission fee (non-refundable) will be paid by all new students only once – at the time of admission. Security Fee (refundable) will also be paid only once – at the time of admission, and will be refundable to the parents/guardians at the time of withdrawal.
- The tuition fee will be paid on monthly basis, except March, April and May, wherein, bi-monthly fee schedule will be followed.
- The tuition fee will be payable for all 12 months, regardless of when the students graduate from that class.
- The tuition fee vouchers will be issued with a due date of 5 days. If 2 months have passed and the tuition fee is still unpaid, the students’ names will be struck off the school records.
- The students, whose fee remains payable after expiry of the due date, will be given three reminders, until after some time, if the fees are still unpaid, the student’s name will be struck off of the school record and the unpaid dues will be adjusted against the security fee deposit. The student will then have to go through a re-admission process.
- If a child has remained absent from the school, due to any reason, including any illness or personal commitments, the school will not be liable to give any concession in the late fee or waive off the fee for that specific period of time.
- The security fee deposit will be refunded in full at the time of withdrawal of the student or after completion of studies, provided that the student has no dues left unpaid.
- The admission fee, registration fee are non-refundable under any circumstances. For the students, leaving mid-term, the remaining tuition fee will not be refunded. The school will not be liable to refund the tuition fee, if the child is suspended from the school due to either disciplinary breach or has not followed the code of the student conduct or in case of vandalism on the student’s behalf, the parents/guardians are to pay in full for all the damages caused to the campus property.
- Benchmark reserves full authority to withhold the student’s progress reports, examination appearances, transcripts or school leaving and other certificates, if the dues are not cleared within the time specified.
- All parents/guardians are asked to read and sign the undertaking in compliance with Benchmark and its policies. The school holds full authority to change and alter the policy when and if it requires, without any prior notice.
- In cases that the school is closed due to any emergency, security threat or any natural disaster or for any other reason for however long it takes, parents/guardians are liable to pay the fees by the 5th of each month.