Discipline is one of the most important factors for a school to function effectively. This is the reason why Benchmark is continuously working to develop, refine and implement a culture of discipline that alone can pave the path for a conducive learning environment. This policy outlines the basis of our disciplinary framework that stems from our aspirations of extremely well-researched, positive discipline techniques and their firm, fair and consistent implementation.
It may however be borne in mind that strict student discipline in Benchmark will function only after being balanced out with fairness. Before any disciplinary action is taken, every effort will be made to resolve student discipline issues through one-to-one counseling with a teacher or school administrator/Principal. This clearly spells out that the underlying purpose of creating this policy, in the first place, is NOT to remove any student from classroom or school, NOT until it is inevitable. In fact, the objective is to make every child come to terms with the principles of safety, responsibility, respectfulness, commitment towards his or her academics, honesty, and life-long learning. However, after every effort to redirect our student’s potentials is thwarted and every option exhausted, the school will NOT hesitate to resort to the more serious actions starting from warnings and ultimately resulting in expulsions.
BmSS believes that schools not only impart knowledge, but also play a major role in shaping the personality of an individual. What a student learns in school is not just confined to the four walls of a classroom but the whole school environment is a source of knowledge. Apart from knowledge, a student learns lessons of discipline, honesty and cleanliness from school and therefore, it is important for us to maintain a good hygienic atmosphere.
Students are urged to maintain their hygiene properly, come to school neat and clean. They should bathe properly, daily and should smell good with hair properly combed and teeth brushed daily.
The stated school rules/policy failing to adhere to which can result in students’ suspension, relegation, non-promotion and/or even expulsion from Benchmark School System. Suspension followed by expulsion: Every time a child is reported/found defying the school rules listed below, a fact-finding effort be undertaken by the school administration and the student will be given a fair chance/hearing to explain his or her position. If the probe determines the child guilty, he or she will be served a warning in writing and his or her parents will be informed accordingly.
This warning can follow reportage (of breaking the school rules) from the same source twice or from two different sources. Two warnings will result in the student’s immediate suspension.
However, two suspensions will automatically result in the student’s expulsion from Benchmark School System with zero chances of reinstatement.
Direct expulsion: Suspension is not the only way that will result in expulsion. If the nature of violation is more serious, direct expulsion with no chances of reinstatement will automatically follow.
Non-promotion: After every effort is made to help a child improve academically, if he or she shows no signs of improvement, the school will NOT promote him or her to the next grade. Thus non-promotion (in other words repeating the same class) will be the only option the child can take provided he or she has no history of creating behavioral/disciplinary issues that can lead to the child’s removal from school.
Despite the best possible efforts to help him or her out, if a child remains non-responsive or refuses to change and so registers no tangible academic progression, he or she will have the following options: either relegation—in other words demotion from the current grade—or leaving school.
Note: Preliminary rules may be appended. It therefore follows that we will continue to add more rules and that disciplinary action can also be taken against offences other than and similar to the ones listed above.
Students are encouraged to think and act for themselves, as it is the basic purpose of education.
However, they must also understand that the school has non-negotiable values, which are strongly believed. These values include “integrity, respect, diligence, excellence, inclusiveness and diversity”. The purpose of the code of student conduct is to inculcate these values to the school community and promote an environment conducive to students’ success and engagement.
If a student violates the school’s standards of conduct, that student may be held accountable by the school. The school may, at its sole discretion, pursue disciplinary action against the student. A legible fine will also be imposed on the student, if the school deems the act, worthy of being fined.
The codes, that are to be very careful about, are as follows:
- Wireless communication devices (but not limited to mobile phones), including cameras, MP3 players, iPods, e-readers and other electronic devices are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. In case of any violation, the device will be confiscated and the student will be suspended/ expelled.
- The possession, use, distribution or sale of illegal products within the school premises such as Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs will be dealt with, severely and will lead to direct expulsion of student from the school.
- Repeated late arrival to school. Students arriving late will be fined heavily for unpunctuality.
- Engaging in any form of academic misconduct. Examples include (but are not limited to):
• Plagiarism
• Cheating
• Copying
• Accessing records
• Altering records
• Assisting another student in any of the above actions - Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings or other Benchmark activities, by creating noise or other disturbances on campus, including classroom instructions.
- Acts of dishonesty or criminal offenses, including (but not limited to) the following:
• Furnishing false information to any Benchmark official, faculty member or office.
• Forgery, alteration or misuse of any Benchmark document, record or form of identification.
• Theft, Deceit, Assault, Vandalism or Fraud. - Any conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person, including (but not limited to) physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercions or stalking.
- Any kind of offensive behavior towards any member of the Benchmark Faculty, Administration or any person linked with Benchmark School System.
- Discrimination of any person on the basis of Race, Gender, Creed, Religion, Disability or Social Standards, is strictly intolerable and strict action will be taken against it.
- Conduct or behavior, that lacks regard, civility, politeness and/or courteous consideration, which goes beyond the bounds of acceptable student behavior.
- Saying or doing something that upsets the normal school day or any school activity. This includes trying to disrupt the morning assemblies.
- Refusal or failure to comply with a direction or an order from a Benchmark employee.
- Non-conformity to established dress code.
- Not showing respect to the teachers, faculty members, members of the school administration and management.
- Any unlawful participation in games (or activities) of chance for money and/ or other things of value.
- The unlawful and willful entry or attempted forcible entry into any Benchmark property or misuse of school premises.
- No student is allowed to leave during school hours, unless a parent/guardian comes to pick them up, providing a necessary reason.
- The school will not be responsible for any loss of anything valuable or any belonging. Therefore, all parents/guardians are requested to monitor on their child.
2. Benchmark School System Uniform Policy
Benchmark recognises that demeanor and dress communicate individual preferences and can influence student behaviour and enhance a school’s learning environment. Students are expected to dress appropriately for school – this means being clean and well-groomed in appearance, avoiding styles of dress and demeanor that disrupt the school environment or distract other students. Such limitations on a student’s taste and individuality are necessary to achieve the educational goals of the school.
All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for school and school functions. styles that interfere with the school’s educational program and mission of the school will not be tolerated. Clothes or accessories that are indecent are prohibited. Therefore, students are expected to abide by the prescribed school uniform. Violating the dress code will result in the student’s removal from class until a parent/guardian arrives and provides appropriate attire. To prevent the loss of class time, parents /guardians are reminded to monitor their children’s attire before they leave for school.
• No other clothing item may be worn over the uniform.
• Visible under-shirts are not allowed.
• School ID cards and Badges are to be worn at all times.
• Plain white socks should be worn.
• Completely Black shoes should be properly polished.
• No high heels are allowed.
• Indecent hairstyles or hairstyles that promote styles/fashion are not allowed.
• Hair should be properly tied-up with black accessories only.
• Jewellery, make-up, nail-polishes or anything ornamental or of this sort is not allowed.
• Cleanliness and proper hygiene must be observed.
• No other clothing item may be worn over the uniform.
• Visible under-shirts are not allowed.
• School ID cards and Badges are to be worn at all times.
• Plain white socks should be worn.
• Completely Black shoes should be properly polished.
• Shoes should be flat and should not have inappropriate designs or markings on them.
• Hair should be properly cut regularly.
• Long hair, inappropriate or indecent design or haircut is prohibited.
• Cleanliness and proper hygiene must be observed.
• Hat, Cap, Bandana, Fancy Scarves, T-Shirts or Baggy pants are not allowed.
Royal Blue Blouse | Royal Blue Blouse |
Beige tunic | Beige tunic |
Royal Blue stockings / leggings | Royal Blue stockings / leggings |
Black socks | Black socks |
Black Leather shoes with buckled strap | Black Leather shoes with buckled strap |
Royal Blue Cardigan / Hoodie |
Beige Shalwar Kameez | Beige Shalwar Kameez |
A Dark Blue Sash | A Dark Blue Sash |
White socks | White socks |
Black Leather shoes with buckled strap | Black Leather shoes with buckled strap |
Royal Blue Cardigan / Hoodie |
Royal Blue Shirt (Half Sleeves) | Royal Blue Shirt (Full Sleeves) |
Beige Pants | Beige Pants |
Benchmark Belt | Benchmark Belt |
White socks | White socks |
Black Leather shoes with Laces | Black Leather shoes with Laces |
Royal Blue ‘V’ neck sweater / Hoodie |
Beige Shalwar Kameez | Beige Shalwar Kameez |
A Dark Blue Dupatta | A Dark Blue Dupatta |
White socks | White socks |
Black Leather shoes with buckled strap | Black Leather shoes with buckled strap |
Royal Blue cardigan/ Hoodie |
Royal Blue Shirt (Half Sleeves) | Royal Blue Shirt (Full Sleeves) |
Beige Pants | Beige Pants |
Benchmark Belt | Benchmark Belt |
White socks | White socks |
Black Leather shoes with Laces | Black Leather shoes with Laces |
Royal Blue ‘V’ neck sweater / Hoodie |
Beige Shalwar Kameez | Beige Shalwar Kameez |
Green Dupatta | Green Dupatta |
White socks | White socks |
Black Leather shoes with buckled strap | Black Leather shoes with buckled strap |
School Cardigan / Hoodie |
Green Shirt (Half Sleeves) | Green Shirt (Full Sleeves) |
Beige Pants | Beige Pants |
Benchmark Belt | Benchmark Belt |
White socks | White socks |
Black Leather shoes with Laces | Black Leather shoes with Laces |
School Sweater / Hoodie |

3. Benchmark School System Fee Policy
All students seeking admission in BmSS have to pay BmSS fee. Tuition fee charges apply for a full academic session beginning 1st August to 31st July in the following year. Fees are subject to annual revision and are due in full at the start of Session in August.
The payment of fees is the responsibility of the student and, in the event of a student’s sponsoring authority (if any) failing to make payment, the student will be held personally liable for payment and will be struck off from School in case of non-payment.
This policy specifies the principles for setting, calculating, charging and refunding student fees.
This policy governs, how Benchmark School System will apply and calculate tuition fees for all the students. The school reserves the right to amend this policy from time to time, in the light of prevailing circumstances (including legislative and regulatory changes).
This policy forms a part of the school’s terms and conditions and should be read in conjunction with the parents/guardian undertaking. All the rules and regulations laid down in this policy, regarding the tuition fee, which has to be paid in PKR, must be adhered to very strictly.
The policy comprises of the following points:
- Registration and Admission fee (non-refundable) will be paid by all new students only once – at the time of admission. Security Fee (refundable) will also be paid only once – at the time of admission, and will be refundable to the parents/guardians at the time of withdrawal.
- The tuition fee will be paid on monthly basis, except March, April and May, wherein, bi-monthly fee schedule will be followed.
- The tuition fee will be payable for all 12 months, regardless of when the students graduate from that class.
- The tuition fee vouchers will be issued with a due date of 5 days. If 2 months have passed and the tuition fee is still unpaid, the students’ names will be struck off the school records.
- The students, whose fee remains payable after expiry of the due date, will be given three reminders, until after some time, if the fees are still unpaid, the student’s name will be struck off of the school record and the unpaid dues will be adjusted against the security fee deposit. The student will then have to go through a re-admission process.
- If a child has remained absent from the school, due to any reason, including any illness or personal commitments, the school will not be liable to give any concession in the late fee or waive off the fee for that specific period of time.
- The security fee deposit will be refunded in full at the time of withdrawal of the student or after completion of studies, provided that the student has no dues left unpaid.
- The admission fee, registration fee are non-refundable under any circumstances. For the students, leaving mid-term, the remaining tuition fee will not be refunded. The school will not be liable to refund the tuition fee, if the child is suspended from the school due to either disciplinary breach or has not followed the code of the student conduct or in case of vandalism on the student’s behalf, the parents/guardians are to pay in full for all the damages caused to the campus property.
- Benchmark reserves full authority to withhold the student’s progress reports, examination appearances, transcripts or school leaving and other certificates, if the dues are not cleared within the time specified.
- All parents/guardians are asked to read and sign the undertaking in compliance with Benchmark and its policies. The school holds full authority to change and alter the policy when and if it requires, without any prior notice.
- In cases that the school is closed due to any emergency, security threat or any natural disaster or for any other reason for however long it takes, parents/guardians are liable to pay the fees by the 5th of each month.
4. Benchmark School System Parents Outreach & Communication Policy
• BmSS SOP For Communication Via Texting Messages
We at Benchmark School System believe that communication plays a vital role in administrating an efficient schooling system. Effective communication is highly essential for building school-parent partnerships. It constitutes the foundation for all other forms of family involvement in education. There are different ways via which we communicate with parents; some of which include making telephone calls and sending text messages on their provided numbers and parent teacher meetings which are held on termly bases.
We believe using mobile technology is an excellent way to make the relationship between parents and school administration more meaningful and effective. Mobile technology links schools and parents in a much more instant and timely manner, and this increased involvement is beneficial to the student’s learning experience. Students, school administrators, and parents all benefit greatly from the impact of mobile technology.
It is an excellent way to make sure parents are constantly updated with important information like student enrolment times, reminders for holidays and school closures, tests records and attendance. Even changes to important school policies can all be sent via mobile technology. Not only will parents be more aware of school activities, but adopting mobile technology means that parents can receive updates regarding their child’s academic status. A timely text or email notification regarding a student’s failing grades, for example, would be a powerful tool for schools to use to enhance parental oversight of their children’s activities. A system where parents receive an automated text message if their child fails to turn in an assignment or receives a failing grade on an exam would spur parental involvement and make parents more aware of the struggles their child faces on a daily basis. We know that mobile school notifications and updates can increase the daily involvement of parents with the school and allow for direct communication between schools and parents.
“This positive relationship makes a child feel like the important people in his life are working together.”
BUT communicating well is a key factor for making this relationship work.
• BmSS SOP For Communication Via Phone Calls
We at Benchmark School System believe that communication plays a vital role in administrating an efficient schooling system. Effective communication is highly essential for building school-parent partnerships. It constitutes the foundation for all other forms of family involvement in education. There are different ways via which we communicate with parents; some of which include making telephone calls and sending text messages on their provided numbers and parent teacher meetings which are held on termly bases.
Making phone calls to parents is very important and should be done on regular basis. Some of the scenarios where calls need to be made include:
- Morning late comers should be called daily.
- Discipline issues should be reported on that day.
- In case of emergency, phone calls should be made by front reception as soon as possible.
- Only concerned departments and authorized persons should be allowed to make calls.
- Absentees should be called on every Thursday and Friday. The department should themselves contact the Teachers /TAs for lists of chronic absentees.